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Do all human beings have basic human rights?
Mark A. Goldman                                                                      Dated:  5/29/06


A few generations ago in 1948, after the second world war, an attempt was made to answer the question: Do all human beings have basic human rights? The answer then was in the affirmative.

Miraculously, the United Nations General Assembly voted almost unanimously to declare that human beings do, in fact, have basic human rights and they actually took it upon themselves to state what those rights were. (No nation voted against the proposition although there were eight abstentions and two not present for the vote.) The document they adopted is called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Every country that signed the Declaration, the United States among them, promised to teach and inform all its citizens of the rights and obligations enumerated therein and to strive to see to it that the Declaration's goals and aspirations would be achieved.

Today the United States and its citizens are reneging on its obligations and commitments. Our government hasn't formally stated as much, but actions speak louder than words. Today the United States is no longer making an honest attempt to adhere to the Declaration's basic principles in either its national or foreign policies.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is THE road map to peace, freedom, and security for every nation and every human being. It obligates each of us to insist that our culture come into alignment with the rule of law, and that the rule of law come into alignment with the promises that were made when the Declaration was signed.

This is the roadmap for peace for all nations and all peoples. It should be the true platform of any politician we vote for. It should be the measuring stick against which all legislation and government initiatives are measured. It is the set of values that can bring us together as a nation. And it is the set of values that can eventually bring all peoples together as one family.

I say, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is, in fact, the revealed true word of God.


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