United States government and its military leaders do not
possess the intellectual, moral and spiritual wisdom to
legitimately possess the weapons now in their control.
This Sword of Damocles now hangs over us all.
freedom on planet earth is now demonstrably dead except as it
exists in relative terms.
What the US government has taught us is that whenever
the rule of law is inconvenient for the ruling elite, it can
readily be dismantled or ignored at will.
What has been demonstrated is that the rule of law is
not a rule that we -- you and I -- have the power to enforce.
from fear is not something one can buy or capture; nor is it
an office to which one can be appointed or elected; no one can
give it to you; and if you think you can fight your way to
freedom now, you can't. Who are you going to fight?
Who is going to fight along side you? And how much fight
do you have in you anyway?
What’s important right now is to realize what
freedom isn't:
it is not… being unaware that the freedom you think
you have is an illusion, even though with recent and past
history unveiled we see that’s what it has always been.
Of course it's unveiled
only to those who have the courage to look. Now, at last, we all have
access to enough evidence to see reality as it is.
Wake up.
Wake up. Open your eyes.
The human spirit longs to be free.
Let's see if I can help you remember who you are.
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