great gift that we have been given these last few decades is
the revelation that the primary institutions that dominate our
culture are an entanglement of flawed, corrupted,
undemocratic, and ill-conceived structures that are totally
ill equipped to encourage, support or even allow the people of
the world to live together in peace in an atmosphere of human
kindness, love,
honor, justice, and compassion.
why not strive for the kind of life we really want for
ourselves and our posterity instead of what we now have?
We know what doesn't work now, and we have sufficient
knowledge and resources to not only live life surrounded by
human love and kindness... we can also live lives of wealth
and abundance... all of us. All we need is to really
want it and to be willing to strive for what we want.
Buckminster Fuller pointed out not that many years ago...
We... all of us... are the crew of Spaceship Earth.
We are all hurling through space on the one and only
precious spaceship and life support system we have. Why
not honor and love
what we have. The only thing that makes sense is that we, the
crew, should be working together as brothers and sisters to
keep ourselves and our ship in tip-top shape, pleasantly and
sustainably, for as long as the natural world will allow.
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