The government's request for Google search data is not about pornography.
It's about control. It should run a shiver down the back of every American.
Shame on those who already have given in. With search data, the government
can not only see if you have tried to find pornography on the internet; it can
also see if you tried to get the truth about the expanding list of Bush's
illegal and immoral acts; it can find out if you tried to organize with
like minded people to oppose the loss of your own freedom.
This information would allow them to secure their power so that all they
would have to do is interrupt communication to or from those who
might be effective in organizing against Bush's growing unjust power.
Maybe they are already doing this, but now only want to cover all bases.
Privacy supports one's right to seek and/or protect one's own freedom and
this is a direct attack on that right. The Bush government lies about everything
and this lie is deadly.
How long is it going to take for Bush to decide that anyone who is against
him belongs in prison. He already said you are either with him or with the
terrorists. He has already claimed the exclusive right to say who a "terrorist"
is, and who is subject to torture or imprisonment without any due process
or check on his power. If he thinks you're a "terrorist" then you are at risk of
being permanently disappeared, tortured, or
The noose is being tightened and most
Americans are still fast asleep. Look closely and you will see that your
own government is already the world's greatest terrorist and peddler of
obscenities. What is more obscene than the term
"collateral damage?"
On Citizenship
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Other nominations for US obscenities:
Military Justice
White Phosphorous
Depleted Uranium
Ghost Detainees
Unlawful or Enemy Combatant
The Patriot Act
No Child Left Behind
The Unitary Executive
Cluster Bombs
War on Terror
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