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Tragedy Defined

Mark A. Goldman                                                                   Revised: 11/02/04


John Nichols, associate editor of the Wisconsin newspaper, The Capitol Times, reports that on Tuesday, October 25, 2004, the Bush campaign rented the Richland Center High School in southwestern Wisconsin where Bush gave a campaign stump speech.  This was the biggest event in the school's history. Naturally, students were very excited to have the President of the United States show up at their high school.  But while students were encouraged to attend, they were told that there would be a dress code:  They could wear either a 'Bush for President' T-shirt or neutral clothing.  Anyone showing up wearing clothing in support of his opponent would not be allowed to attend but would be removed from the premises.  Nichol's points out that this is not the first time the Bill of Rights was torn up in Wisconsin at Bush's behest.   Click this link to read the full article:

Herbert Spencer once defined tragedy as "dedication killed by a fact."  Every President, whether he wants to be or not, becomes an education President.  And so I imagine that for many Richland parents, Democrats and Republicans alike, the fact that the President of the United States would blatantly desecrate our First Amendment right in front of their children was an unexpected and terrible tragedy.  I believe the Bush entourage conducted itself in a similar fashion all across the country.  I can't imagine he did himself a favor.   Surely any candidate who would invite or encourage American high school children to participate in an event that purposely desecrates one of our most cherished values should never be elected to public office in the United States of America.

Mark A. Goldman




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